even where the wind
is high the mass of lilies
calms a little cove
wind in white pine comes
and goes white lilies turning
golden eyes to me
many stems waver
spiral through gold water all
lilies rise yes rise
some other world blooms
some heaven of psalm flowers
sing sing stun this world
Young bald eagle drops
over loon chick wild parents howl
yes while lilies saw
what kind of white bloom
stuns palms of the blue world why
am I just one eye
prow parts paths through pads
fish flop ahead disappear
this is where we live
water lily field
shine waver part root in sun
we remind ourselves
more lilies more pads
more openings more gold heart
sun in the eye oh
close these lotus now
the sun rolls down behind pine
beaver trails stirring
all sky all of us
all trees all ponds all lilies
that Monet was right
I was there; lucky me!